Enum SyntaxKind
Namespace: Loretta.CodeAnalysis.Lua
Assembly: Loretta.CodeAnalysis.Lua.dll
public enum SyntaxKind : ushort
Name | Description |
AddAssignmentStatement | |
AddExpression | |
AmpersandAmpersandToken | Represents the |
AmpersandToken | Represents the |
AndKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_and keyword. |
AnonymousFunctionExpression | |
ArrayType | |
AssignmentStatement | |
BadToken | |
BangEqualsToken | Represents the |
BangToken | Represents the |
BitwiseAndExpression | |
BitwiseNotExpression | |
BitwiseOrExpression | |
BreakKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_break keyword. |
BreakStatement | |
CloseBraceToken | Represents the |
CloseBracketToken | Represents the |
CloseParenthesisToken | Represents the |
ColonColonToken | Represents the |
ColonToken | Represents the |
CommaToken | Represents the |
CompilationUnit | |
CompositeTypeName | |
ConcatAssignmentStatement | |
ConcatExpression | |
ContinueKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_continue keyword. |
ContinueStatement | |
DivideAssignmentStatement | |
DivideExpression | |
DoKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_do keyword. |
DoStatement | |
DotDotDotToken | Represents the |
DotDotEqualsToken | Represents the |
DotDotToken | Represents the |
DotToken | Represents the |
ElementAccessExpression | |
ElseClause | |
ElseIfClause | |
ElseIfExpressionClause | |
ElseIfKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_elseif keyword. |
ElseKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_else keyword. |
EmptyStatement | |
EndKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_end keyword. |
EndOfFileToken | |
EndOfLineTrivia | |
EqualsEqualsToken | Represents the |
EqualsExpression | |
EqualsToken | Represents the |
EqualsType | |
EqualsValuesClause | |
ExclusiveOrExpression | |
ExponentiateAssignmentStatement | |
ExponentiateExpression | |
ExportKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_export keyword. |
ExpressionKeyedTableField | |
ExpressionListFunctionArgument | |
ExpressionStatement | |
FalseKeyword | Represents the false keyword. |
FalseLiteralExpression | |
FalseType | |
FloorDivideExpression | |
ForKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_for keyword. |
FunctionCallExpression | |
FunctionDeclarationStatement | |
FunctionKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_function keyword. |
FunctionType | |
GenericForStatement | |
GenericTypePack | |
GotoKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_goto keyword. |
GotoLabelStatement | |
GotoStatement | |
GreaterThanEqualsToken | Represents the |
GreaterThanExpression | |
GreaterThanGreaterThanToken | Represents the |
GreaterThanOrEqualExpression | |
GreaterThanToken | Represents the |
HashStringLiteralExpression | |
HashStringLiteralToken | |
HashToken | Represents the |
HatEqualsToken | Represents the |
HatToken | Represents the |
IdentifierKeyedTableField | |
IdentifierName | |
IdentifierToken | |
IfExpression | |
IfKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_if keyword. |
IfStatement | |
InKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_in keyword. |
IntersectionType | |
LeftShiftExpression | |
LengthExpression | |
LessThanEqualsToken | Represents the |
LessThanExpression | |
LessThanLessThanToken | Represents the |
LessThanOrEqualExpression | |
LessThanToken | Represents the |
List | |
LocalDeclarationName | |
LocalFunctionDeclarationStatement | |
LocalKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_local keyword. |
LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | |
LogicalAndExpression | |
LogicalNotExpression | |
LogicalOrExpression | |
MemberAccessExpression | |
MemberFunctionName | |
MethodCallExpression | |
MethodFunctionName | |
MinusEqualsToken | Represents the |
MinusGreaterThanToken | Represents the |
MinusToken | Represents the |
ModuloAssignmentStatement | |
ModuloExpression | |
MultiLineCommentTrivia | |
MultiplyAssignmentStatement | |
MultiplyExpression | |
NamedParameter | |
NilableType | |
NilKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_nil keyword. |
NilLiteralExpression | |
NilType | |
None | |
NotEqualsExpression | |
NotKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_not keyword. |
NumericalLiteralExpression | |
NumericForStatement | |
NumericLiteralToken | |
OpenBraceToken | Represents the |
OpenBracketToken | Represents the |
OpenParenthesisToken | Represents the |
OrKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_or keyword. |
ParameterList | |
ParenthesizedExpression | |
ParenthesizedType | |
PercentEqualsToken | Represents the |
PercentToken | Represents the |
PipePipeToken | Represents the |
PipeToken | Represents the |
PlusEqualsToken | Represents the |
PlusToken | Represents the |
QuestionToken | Represents the |
RepeatKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_repeat keyword. |
RepeatUntilStatement | |
ReturnKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_return keyword. |
ReturnStatement | |
RightShiftExpression | |
SemicolonToken | Represents the |
ShebangTrivia | |
SimpleFunctionName | |
SimpleTypeName | |
SingleLineCommentTrivia | |
SkippedTokensTrivia | |
SlashEqualsToken | Represents the |
SlashSlashToken | Represents the |
SlashToken | Represents the |
StarEqualsToken | Represents the |
StarToken | Represents the |
StatementList | |
StringFunctionArgument | |
StringLiteralExpression | |
StringLiteralToken | |
StringType | |
SubtractAssignmentStatement | |
SubtractExpression | |
TableConstructorExpression | |
TableConstructorFunctionArgument | |
TableType | |
TableTypeIndexer | |
TableTypeProperty | |
ThenKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_then keyword. |
TildeEqualsToken | Represents the |
TildeToken | Represents the |
TrueKeyword | Represents the true keyword. |
TrueLiteralExpression | |
TrueType | |
TypeArgumentList | |
TypeBinding | |
TypeCastExpression | |
TypeDeclarationStatement | |
TypedIdentifierName | |
TypeKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_type keyword. |
TypeofKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_typeof keyword. |
TypeofType | |
TypePack | |
TypeParameter | |
TypeParameterList | |
UnaryMinusExpression | |
UnionType | |
UnkeyedTableField | |
UntilKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_util keyword. |
VarArgExpression | |
VarArgParameter | |
VariableAttribute | |
VariadicTypePack | |
WhileKeyword | Represents the langword_csharp_while keyword. |
WhileStatement | |
WhitespaceTrivia |